If the medication that’s delivered is daily pills, it’s important that the medication is taken the same time everyday. There are some
medications delivered by injection once a month. The monthly shots did not work for my son but all medications work differently on an
individual basis.
*** Disclaimer: We are not offering professional mental health care but rather information to assist caregivers of
mental health consumers’ in the navigation of the mental health industry. ***
From our experience, we have learned that routine helps our loved ones remain stable. For most caregivers, routine is painful but it
allows our loved ones to remain stable without constant visits to the emergency room due to psychotic breaks.
It may very well plausible the more breaks they have, they less likely they are able to return to their best mental health state.
From our experience and in Georgia, the benefits available with regards to mental health care are better with Medicaid than with
private insurance. Some services, like Adult Day Programs, only accept Medicaid.
The sooner one applies for Social Secuirty disabilty benefits, the more resources are available. The medication co-pays are also less
This information is provided from our experience. One of our organizations members son has had 5 psychotic breaks due to lack of
knowledge, in addition to the normal process of disbelief, denial, and finally acceptance. We believe these are normal stages during
the diagnosis process of our loved ones. Our role has changed from daughter to mother and now advocate.